The Candidates (2018)
Debo Sellis
Tavistock Electoral Area. Gulworthy & Tavistock Parishes
I came forward for election because I was asked to consider it. I was nursing (2007) and extremely fed up with the dirty wards, the high levels of MRSA & C-Diff infections, over “managed” NHS and disorganised running of the NHS in general. There was so much waste & paperwork. I could go on …
I was selected by the local Conservative Association. It was not an easy process because I was not experienced at all in Politics.
I had to fill in a bit of back-ground information about myself & then talk for 5 minutes about what my aims & ambitions were. The form was succinct & comprehensive so that the members who were going to vote did have access to know quite a bit about me! 5 minutes is a long time.
The most difficult was the reaction of the candidates (male and female) who failed where I succeeded. I was selected fair & square on my ability. It was unfortunate to see the reaction of the others … but it was a fair & robust process & I won.
I don’t think our process could be made much easier. You are briefed on what you must do & given reasonable advanced warning. I didn’t find it traumatic though I don’t like talking about myself particularly & I had to “sell myself”. Only I could do it!
I had support from my husband & was amazed how many people offered to help me. I receive much more support now that I am established, people from all walks of life & from other political areas.
I liked walking my patch … getting to know my area, meeting people & listening to their issues. It was interesting when people would tell be to go away because they wouldn’t vote Conservative … only for them to listen to me & my views & say that to their amazement they would vote for me! (This is not always the case, but if residents are so rude I am glad that I can walk away & leave them in their rudeness).
I didn’t like getting cold and wet. When it was sunny and warm it was very frustrating smelling all the BBQ’s & all I wanted was to go home, have a shower & a nice cup of tea!
I wouldn’t do much more differently. I walk my patch & I like to keep in touch with my residents all the time really.
I had support from so many people, some were amazing help. They voted for me & I helped them & lots of really lovely residents actually approached me & offered to deliver leaflets. It was very nice, though humbling.
I have been elected and I have achieved a good deal. I have set up a litter picking group which has been running for over 7 years & is now managed by others, plus there are now more children & families supporting the group. I have made my area look more in-keeping for a World Heritage Site, having culled repetitive roads signs, untidy street furniture. I asked Western Power & Scottish Southern Electric for funds to clean lampposts & street furniture. I have used my locality budget to smarten our town plus being able to support so many good causes. I have helped homeless, domestic violated residents. Helped with health & social care issues, planning, highway issues. No day is ever the same. I like the variety and similar to Nursing, I like to help people.
I don’t know how you need or can get more women to stand. I would not have stood for election when my children were little. My father was a local councillor & he was out so much during my childhood, that I would never have considered doing it when my children were little. I had to work part time as a registered nurse & that involved shift work … my children were messed about enough with my shift work. Being a councillor takes many hours a week if you are going to do it well. I think if you notice a woman (or a man actually) who is really interested in their community, then you just ask if they would be interested in becoming a councillor. I am glad that I have achieved what I have because of my merit, not my gender.