The Candidates (2018)
Jacqi Hodgson
Devon County Councillor for Totnes and Dartington.
(I’m responding to this as a candidate for the (a) general election or (b) local election – where there is a difference in response see separate answers as indicated.)
(a) Because I felt ready to challenge other candidates at national level politics
(b) For many years I have been involved with community and environmental groups that have sought public representatives that understand their issues and can use their vote to support measures and policies for greater social and environmental benefit. When a local by-election was called I was asked by my local Green Party to stand and I won. -
I had to be formally nominated and selected. It was all very fair and actively encouraged all local members to consider nomination.
A formal selection process with nomination, seconding by local members and a hustings for local members was held which selected me as the candidate.
It wasn’t difficult, everyone in my party was very supportive and encouraging. However the intense period in the weeks leading up to the election, required me to be out knocking on doors and delivering leaflets, attending hustings and attending to press releases which is quite daunting and sheer hard work.
Having larger teams of support workers.
My local party, supporters of green politics and friends were of enormous help and support.
I enjoy having conversations with local people an finding out about their issues, especially when I can offer real help in the form of some information I may have that helps them to understand an issue better or where they can get assistance they may need. It feels good to be able to help local residents.
The rare occasion when people are abusive or unnecessarily rude.
Start the election campaign earlier to have more time to reach people.
(a) I wasn’t elected
(b) As a Green Councillor on all three local tiers of government I hope to bring green party based policies and influence into local decision making as I believe the Green Party offers a strong framework for good and fair and sustainable governance at all levels of politics. -
I believe the vote should be given to sixteen year olds to get more young people and particularly young women believing from an early age that politics can make a difference, that they do have something important to contribute and they are electable, and that there is support from other women who are having a substantial influence on politics at all levels.